A neat question, is what are you prepared to do to secure some additional privacy? How far will you go?
I deleted WhatsApp in 2017. Meant I was unreachable to so many. But people still found a way. To many that’s bonkers, to some a piece of cake.
I care more about privacy than Boomers and more than Gen Zers. The tools are out there, just not for the mainstream. That said, these are the folks that still don’t believe they need it.
I wouldn't uninstall WhatsApp, I want to be reachable and able to reach others. I need it to secure work and for work.
It can't spy on me by me just having it installed on my phone. It can only read what I type into it. If I want to have a private chat with someone, the moment they message me on WhatsApp I can say "let's move this to TG".
In some countries WhatsApp is how you call and text people. If you want to make a dentist appointment or call a plumber, you need WhatsApp.
Of course it can spy on you
It's literally a spy app - why do you think that facebook offer the product for free - altruism?
They collect your network graph, your contact list, all the metadata of everyone you chat with, sensor information (microphone, gyroscope etc) and god knows what else
Just because "everyone does it" does NOT make it right, as a collective we need to resist this mindset to just send all this data to facebook (and by extension, everyone that facebook sells it to) just because everyone else does
Facebook is not private
And neither is TG! Why move to TG?!!
TG secret chats are private and most of my friends have TG. It's open-source. I could install SimpleX, but would have no one to use it with.
WA won't collect microphone data if you don't give it permission; Android won't let it. I have 7 sources of income and some of them depend on WhatsApp. I'm not letting them go, because that would mean less sat stacking for me.