We are 8 days away from the buy-in deadline. We have received 15 buy-ins so far.
Even if you didn't commit to participating earlier, there is no limit to how many and who can participate, so if you are just finding out about the pool and are interested let me know.
Cheers, GrayRuby
@bitiplyx I had your account name noted wrong so I don't think the message got to you. My apologies. Please let me know if you are still interested in doing the NFL Survivor Pool. Buy ins are open until Sept 4th.
I just saw the message, sorry for the delay yes, I want to, but remember 'I'm a layman'
Awesome. Rules are in the bio of this account and you can zap your entry fee (10k sats) to this post. #234104
Cheers, GrayRuby