I had a guy at my work who made so much from the 2018 spike that he left and started doing his own thing. He didn't say exactly that is was bitcoin that made enough, but we knew he was into it before the spike. And he was able to leave his job after....so, we put it together. Super nice, humble guy. I didn't know enough to ask any real questions back then, but which I had.
Other people kind of talked of it as a get rich quick scheme. Or just some volatile internet fad. But, I think more now people are starting to think of it as some sort of valid financial mechanism of some kind.
But, more to your question, I don't really bring it up. But, if people talk about it, I always explain its utility as a means of transaction or easier storing value/money. If I need to send money somewhere quickly or store money safely, it's the best we got, especially if you are not allowed to use any other system or that system isn't working. It is much easier now to explain that use case after the Canada stuff this year. Folks can wrap their minds around it potentially being useful.
Thank you for this