Bitcoin isn't libertarian, though it's a set of ideas that libertarians happen to enjoy
I'm not sure if our disagreement is about something fundamental or something more trivial like semantics. Also, everything is relative and is interpreted in a context. You posted a meme to illustrate a point, so it makes sense to defend it. But in another context, I've heard it said that "Bitcoin is libertarian, AI is statist" and many would agree with that too, because it's about the juxtaposition / contrast, not any absolutes.
Bitcoin is just a tech, it doesn't have an agenda of its own, so in that sense it's not libertarian. But due to the intrinsic properties of this tech - decentralization, censorship resistance, unseizability (strong property rights!) - it decentralizes power and empowers the individual, which is what libertarianism at its core (not necessarily in its politically co-opted version) is about. It does incentivize everyone (who understands it anyway) to 'invest in it', because everybody wants to be wealthy, including authoritarians, and it may be a tool for other goals, like political popularity. Which may be what's happening in El Salvador. But at the end of the day, I believe the greatest beneficiary will be individual sovereignty.
The vast bulk of early Bitcoiners were anti authoritarian which would put them very far away from the centre of that map