Do you understand the concept of private justice and the non aggression principle (NAP)?
You may want to change the capital "L" to a lower-case "l" to reference the philosophy instead of the political party. But yes, I do understand these libertarian concepts. Tell us about them.
Thanks for the heads-up, I didn't knew about that...
Yes...Is this a poll or is there going to be a follow up question?
Yeah, forgot about the polls... I just want to knows how many of you know about such concepts here...
An small excerpt:
The principle asserts aggression is always an illegitimate encroachment upon another individual's life, liberty, or property, or attempt to obtain from another via deceit what could not be consensually obtained. For example, the NAP prohibits the initiation of force by one individual or group of individuals against another individual or group of individuals.
Some people will just be posting unnecessary information Scam