Thanks! I'm not licensed yet but I plan on getting that done, just need to find the time to study.
I always wanted to. I was very into shortwave as a kid. I finally bit the bullet about 15 years ago. Got into handhelds and had fun for a while. Then I stopped. I am intrigued about radio bitcoin transactions!
LOL, I have a cheap shortwave here on my desk with a wire running up the wall. I'm the same way, I've been interested in radio since I was little, my start was CB, and once I grew up and could afford to get serious life got in the way. I'm hoping things will calm down by the end of the year, I actually got my GMRS to motivate me to get my Ham. I've actually thought about a radio based BTC network also, it would be a massive challenge but it would be cool.
Very interesting. Downloading from satellite is very cool, and transmitting via HAM would be cool if not for the latency issues. I like the GoTenna mesh network idea, though I'd prefer something like LoRa so one company can't control the ecosystem.
It's been a while since I considered this. I'll check out your suggestions