It's all the same fiat shit, hard and expensive to verify. Create an industry to solve imaginary problems. Authenticity of art is not a problem unless you want to profit from it by selling not the art, but it's "genuineness". It's a fiat mindset that has no place in Bitcoin, because every sat is already genuine by definition if it's recognized by your node. No additional verification is required. NFTs bring back this convoluted process of looking for some vague truth that can't even be properly defined outside of court. Same shitcoinery as BSV basically, and it's not a coincidence that NFTs would thrive on a big block shitchain.
Art and demand for authenticity existed long before fiat money and even the Bank of England. I am sorry, i think you have no point here.
And people believed that Earth is flat for even longer. Just the fact that some idea was/is popular for a long time doesn't mean it's true or has actual value. As art and ownership become digital concepts this value understanding will also change. What NFT proponents do is trying to bring old concepts into the new paradigm, only to profit off of those who don't understand why it's impossible. Read the thread maybe:
Why you brought this whole thread about memes? By the way, there are plenty of cases when Bitcoin community lost meme battle. This is just self-assuring mantra that bitcoin culture is relevant in global scale.
As art and ownership become digital concepts this value understanding will also change.
No, it doesn't. Methods of mass-production that many artists pioneered for broader accessibility didn't change views on master pieces.
Why you brought this whole thread about memes?
Because it's very relevant. NFTs are "bananas on blockchain".
Methods of mass-production that many artists pioneered for broader accessibility didn't change views on master pieces
Doesn't apply to any NFTs. Only a fiat grifter would call these monkeys and other cheaply generated trash a master piece. And AI is gonna redefine art as well, it already does that. Why do all NFT prices go to zero in any terms? Is that art become less artistic or what? lol.
NFTs are "bananas on blockchain"
love it