Move slowly, don't push. There will be some times you will see an opening. Maybe someone will complain about grocery prices rising. Say something like "is food more expensive or is the dollar worth less?" Leave it at that for that interaction. Slowly over the next few weeks, continue to ask questions that make them think. The slower you do it, the less repelled they will be when the "B-word" is finally mentioned.
Parker Lewis had a very good presentation about how to onboard nocoiners
The best one I did was on a dry erase board there at work someone left a marker said leave your best joke I put "The money in the bank is actually yours"
I think this is the right approach. So many people have their guard up, or have some “sophisticated” and sarcastic opinion about Bitcoin that they’re ready to deploy as their signal that they’re not like those people who are cult members or financially illiterate. But get them talking about a problem from first principles first, then look for an opening 👌
The other challenge I’ve encountered is that people have the “Bitcoin is old tech” fashionable opinion, and have heard that Etherium or Solana are faster or do more. My approach here is to ask them about the use cases here until you get them to see that permissionless uncensorable value is the innovation, then why only Bitcoin makes sense and is the safer bet.