This one hits home for many, if not all of us.
As we go down the privacy / sovereignty rabbit hole we feel compelled not only to "save" our loved ones, but to protect ourselves as well.
When we're dealing with family, close friends, or life partners - it's not so easy to just 'walk away'.
Sounds like you have done a lot already.. Just remember you can't force someone to care about their freedom. You can only protect your own.
Some things you could do:
  • Use pihole on your home network to prevent their wifi connections to unsafe websites (like facebook)
  • Purchase a Pixel, install Graphene, and gift it to your friend or loved one
  • Focus and be encouraging about all the good things they are doing / have done (buying corn, using simplex, having a vpn)
  • Invite your friend / loved one to your local bitcoin group where they can be influenced by other individuals with the sovereign mindset
True that, you do not want to force your beliefs on anyone. Yet, I feel like some peoples' carelessness about their freedom is indirectly harming mine, at least there might be long-term implications of their actions (e.g. super trendy dna-testing)
Thanks for the tips, I have pihole running already :)