Unfortunately, the article only discusses how to handle your online-persona...
But, I second that - the utxo analogy is great, however, I do not know how to navigate and handle my real-life realtions with friends (or relatives). I doubt we can live like a utxo in-real life for two main reasons.
  1. Since we cannot hide from privacy practices of our friends, likely their samrtphones are always close by and listening in. You might know what your best friend does on their smartphone, but at a family gathering, distant-relatives will publically share bloody everything: our activities, our food, and of course a selfie (this is the only photo we can perhaps opt-out of).
  2. We cannot know or avoid that our distant-relatives follow a new trend. Like, sending in their dna-test. Perhaps they will do this without our consent or concider the consequences of their actions.
Great food for thought.
I think it is possible to compartmentalize- your public persona should be convincing but they don't have to expose your nyms.
I just reread your original post and basically I would discourage un-friending anyone.
Split off a persona that continues to be their friend. Big brother can continue to track that nym and assume they have a correct file for you.
Have your true development continue separately and only share what is necessary. For example: Take a new phone number but keep your old number for the people who know you by the old number. If that friend never advances then your new nyms might have to leave them behind, but you can always "visit" them with your old persona.
This can get extreme and is probably not necessary for everyone and I recommend you fully consider the psychological implications.