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Use Bisq. They support cash-by-mail as a payment method. Make sure you read the page on their wiki about cashbymail. They have some good instructions about how to package and send it in case theres a dispute.
Hm interesting... but risky
way less risky than you think. read the wiki page about that method and about how dispute resolution works.
depending on the amount (if it's less than a thousand dollars), you can also get a postal money order with no ID. that comes with a serial number you can use to cancel it if it gets "lost" along the way. Bisq also supports postal money orders as a payment method.
I've never received a money order before. Can you also redeem one kyc free? Eg, walk into a bank and get cash?
Funny thing about money orders, you don't redeem them at banks. You redeem them at post offices and other places that are registered I think like certain gas stations (yeah money orders are weird)
Oh weird. That's actually great for privacy. If I ever want to sell btc for cash online, this might be the way. Thanks for the info!