No there is no math to this. Some intuition about what you're asking:
Chaos theory was discovered by Edward Lorenz, a meterologist, while he was attempting to run some simple weather simulations on a computer in 1961. His weather system had only 12 parameters (eg. pressure here, temperature there, wind, ...). At one point, having run a few days simulation, he wanted to see a simulated sequence again, so he set the 12 parameters to equal those that had been printed right at the point he wanted to start simulating. But to his surprise, this resulted in a completely different weather system after only a few days.
The culprit turned out to be that his printer cut off a few decimal places from parameter values, so .506127 was printed as .506, and because the system self-interacted this discrepancy (this butterfly) soon disturbed the entire model (world).
So what you're asking for, the math for 100 parallel universes, requires a few more parameters than 12 in each universe (maybe 1000 for each human, each gas molecule...) and a lot longer than a few days. In short, the problem requires ..optimization
... so whats the equation? Lol
I know what you mean. I want the napkin math, back 2 the future type of probability