With https://github.com/chr15m/gitnonymous you can contribute pseudonymously to Git repositories over Tor (including Github).
Create a new email address, signup on Github, generate some keys and keep Tor Browser running for the Tor Proxy on port 9150.
Works like a charm.
I thought most TOR endpoints were controlled by the CIA anyway?
Most "end points", unlikely..
Anyone can run its own proxy and provide it as a public service, if you have bandwidth that you do not need you can consider it, as an advantage, your traffic will be mixed with the traffic of many other users, which is considered a smart move. Snowden, in his book "Permanent Record" explain the reason of this cyber security practice.
Now, governments spy agencies and law enforcement on a case basis may create farms as exit nodes to collect and analyze traffic, not an easy task and very expensive.
Feels fragile. If you slip up even once and connect when not over tor, they'll have your IP. I do like the idea of building these sorts of tools on nostr in order to remove github from the equation entirely.