Just sent the 10k sats and then read again:
10,000 sats sent to @nflsurvivor2023 by Sept 4th. Buy in will be open starting tomorrow. I will make a post specifically for buy in. When you send your buy in, please reply to the post to advise me its sent, so I know who it came from.
That explains why no one replied to this post about their sats, lol
Consider the sats a donation if you want to enforce the rules haha
First action from me on this and immediately made a mistake. Looking forward to more participation, haha
Quick Question. Buy in post has received 50k sats but only 45k sats credited to account in satistics. 10% fee for larger zaps or something?
It's always 10% which go to the reward pool. Mentioned in FAQ here
zapped the amount required to make you whole
I didn't realize because always zap small amounts. It's ok. I suspect this account will get enough additional zaps through the season to ensure the prize pool is whole. All good.
Haha all good. When I logged into this account I said "wow this account got tipped a lot of sats yesterday- oh wait someone probably paid the buy-in".
I've got you down as paid my friend.