This is a dumb question, I know, but can someone explain to me how to include a youtube link in a post so that the screenshot of the video appears(embedded). I tried all the combinations I can think of. Every explanation I found says it's just a link. Can someone set forth how as if you're explaining it to your grandfather (you are)?
Normally you'd turn an image into a link to the video, eg:
Doesn't seem to work though:
I know! I tried many times. Turns out it's not available on SN. Thanks
We don't support youtube embedding in posts yet if that's what this is asking.
If this is asking how you make an image a link, we don't support that because at one point someone was posting banner ads.
I could swear I've seen it on posts. Oh well. I guess I was wrong.
Maybe you've seen it on link posts like this?
We need to just allow embedding. It's not hard. I'll create a github issue.