Yep. I play with the price. I am still in the fiat system. But if you read well you see I’m transitioning. Even asking the question about 10.000 usd and 10.000 sats is akready a good thing.
But yeah for these 10.000 sats I’m happier with them than 10.000 dollars I have received. It is not about the price. I don’t care really.
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As long as there are governments there will be fiat. And as long as there are governments there will be taxes. And you need fiat to pay taxes.
There will be trade in fiat. Always.
But the thing is once you realize what fiat is and how it is created and that it cannot store your monetary energy that you worked hard to receive, you kinda start distasting fiat.
It is not a shit word fiat, but it is a way to enrich some and empoverish the rest.
When you are playing monopoly and you are trying to buy houses and the bank just keeps printing mony you kinda feel robbed.
That’s all.