my first article for cryptowriter debunked hardware wallets highly promoted the use of handguns and advanced encryption
are you threatening me?
please tell me who i am
please tell me what happened to the last person online to cross me, they used to be rich
please keep talking shit because it only further proves you have that thin damn skin all BTC maxi's have
and last of all before i go grill something fire, please be dumb enough to come threaten me IRL
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bye little gen-z keyboard warrior without the warrior skill
the grill awaits
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or what?
my inability to fail will suddenly change after 25+ years because of you?
you're a scriptkiddie at best you're not up for this test i encourage you to try
post updates
you won't have anything to update
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who am i? how can you find me? if you did, what could you do?
castle doctrine (narrows your search)
you'd die legally on entry
peace kiddo
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if you were good at what you do
you'd already have something
but you don't