@nemo I can't reply to your comment. @k00b apparent bug in ability to reply after some depth
You think I argue with idiots like this?
deleted by author
1 man backup sad af
Does clicking 'view replies' then replying there work?
if you did you might get somewhere
instead you're a backup for a btc maxi in failed debate
Oh, you're very confused, I actually want you to remain steadfast in your beliefs, useless (idiot for the commie State) arrogant low tier normie who doesn't have anything better to do than somehow find their way here.
Calling me neurotypical is so fucking ironic I can't even... lmao
Sucks to suck, ya know?
Unfortunately, that is you today.
You think normie means neurotypical in this concept? Lol, it means sheep, you illiterate troglodytic troll, keep up with language
But yeah, if by neurotypical, you mean IQ falling well within a standard deviation, you certainly match that criteria too
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.