Couldn't agree more. Thanks for writing that up!
There is always someone that knows better and has a wider background when it comes to things like health, food, finances etc. You rather listen to a doctor's recommendation when it comes to your blood tests, a nutritionist when it comes to your diet and a financial advisor or an economist when it comes to finances.
Enter the "experts on experts": I regularly encounter individuals who seem to regard media talking heads, influencers, reporters, etc. as the experts on identifying the experts on health, food, finances etc.
To illustrate:
Them: Bitcoin is a ponzi. Me: Really? What makes you think that? Them: They said so on the radio! Me: Who are 'they'? Them: An expert on finance from ACME!! Me: How do we know he's an expert on finance? Them: He's on the radio all the time!!! Me: That doesn't make him an expert on finance. It just means your radio thinks he is, right? Them: This is a very reputable radio station!!!! Me: That still doesn't make him an expert on finance. Them: This is why I can't stand "bitcorners". You think you know everything!!!!!