Can anyone believe it? I was able to successfully place an online order the movie "Jones Plantation", using all fake info (including a super random Prepaid Visa card) and it went through!
My conclusion is that all (?) personal identifiable info is far from being mandatory... but I have to ask, then why are we filling out the form to begin with? I understand shipping address but everything else though? 🤔
Indeed - make a habit of using random fake info whenever it's not going to be verified.
I do this whenever I have to do lightning payments with OpenNode.
Fun story, I also did this when I ordered a device from Coinkite. Now FedEx keeps sending letters of demand to the fake person for unpaid customs duty. I just ignore it because I have no idea who this person is and why they used my address 🤷‍♂️ ;)
This is the way! Send back thr letters ssying that you ard not that person and you do not have contract with them
I love it dude! That's my spirit as well! aah funny story :D
It's as mandatory as much as you make it to be.
Unless a legal requirement demanded I provide the information, I do not do it. As a customer of a business I am giving them their money, that's what benefits them most. They don't need to know the information. But if push came to shove, then I would just avoid using whatever requires it unless I have to.
Likewise, I do not have any ID such as a photocard, driver's license or passport. I am not against having these things, but I do not drive (or have the free time to learn) nor travel anywhere so I don't see the necessity in paying for something I wont use. I have had a lot of problems with employers trying to hire me just on that basis. Some residencies wont let me stay without them, yet will give me alternative methods when I ask nice enough.
I usually jump through hoops of using ID verification that immigrants would provide, such as providing a pay check from a former employer containing an ID number, and a proof of residence via a stamped statement over the desk from a bank.
I have an identification number, shouldn't it be enough?
Yeah I was surprised too about that requirement. I used anyways a dummy info and paid with btc. I have no more visa/fiat.
For just watching a movie is not necessary to give real data. I think who made that website didn't watch the movie or Larken videos
(how ironic?!) HAHAHAAHA yeah the webadmin needs to watch the video he's hosting! I love it :D