What’s up y’all, this is Jae from Proof of Work Fitness LLC and I have a scenario I want you to picture yourself in.
So you’re a Laser Eyed Bitcoin Maxi, a sovereign individual that moves freely across borders with the seed phrase that you use to sign transactions, stored perfectly safe in your brain wallet.
Some would call you paranoid but you have resistance to quantum computing and offline attacks. You may have used a Memory Palace so no one can confiscate your funds.
A common way to create a Memory Palace involves associating one’s 12 word seed phrase with unique scenarios one imagines as they do a mental walk-through in a familiar space.
This is a solid Short-Term use case if you’re a refugee crossing over hostile territory or evading capital controls of an autocratic government. Given the low time preference of Bitcoiners, we need long term strategies.
Since you’ve always remembered it before then what’s the problem right? Well, what if you forget? Even if you have a hidden back-up somewhere then how do you plan on remembering where you put it over the next 50 years if you develop Alzheimer’s dementia? The best way to manage this risk is to identify and manage both non-modifiable and modifiable risk factors respectively.
Non-modifiable risk factors include: Age, family history of dementia, gender, and APO-E4 gene status. The APOE 4 gene is important to know about because if you carry a copy of the gene from one parent then that doubles your risk and if you have two copies then that 10x’s your risk of developing AZD which is the most common form of dementia. Alzheirmer’s dementia can literally prevent you from recovering all of your seed phrase or even remembering where your hidden back ups are located.
Worldwide there are 55 million cases of dementia and 10 million new cases every year costing the global economy $1.3 trillion dollars, don’t let your SATs become a statistic.
Here are a few actionable steps that you can do to lower your chances of developing dementia and other age-related cognitive decline:
Low insulin sensitivity: Don’t develop Diabetes Mellitus *If you already have it then you’ll want to increase your insulin sensitivity because 50-80% of dementia patients also have DM
Minimize head trauma, basically, don’t become a boxer if your wealth is stored in your brain wallet.
Get regular physical exercise: numerous studies have shown that exercise increases blood flow to the brain and increases exposure to Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, which is neuroprotective
Get adequate sleep: During sleep is when your brain removes waste products. *6-9 hours depending on the person. Try the things suggested when you look up "Sleep Hygiene", and talk to a doctor so you can address that.
Other Modifiable risk factors include:obesity, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and excessive alcohol use *A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise along with 2 days strength training per week are recommended to improve and maintain quality of life.
Don't forget that!
Health is Wealth
Stack SATs, Get Fit ⚡🦵🏽💪🏽
Yep, that's why I build products to improve my physical health, sleep, and cognitive performance. As I am of the same species as other bitcoiners, I find I can then increase the supply of the things I build and sell them for sats. https://getchroma.co
The really nice thing about the products I am drawn toward building is they have a vastly superior efficacy/effort ratio than just about anything else.
Wow, that's a nice business you have there!
Those glasses seem cool and I've heard good things about infrared light.
Using some of your products while remaining disciplined in all the other aspects of wellness could improve performance and longevity.
Thank you :)