Well, I think we're gonna need @k00b's and @ekzyis's help to make it work properly on Android 12+. 1
An Android App Link is a special type of deep link that allows your website URLs to immediately open the corresponding content in your Android app, without requiring the user to select the app. Android App Links use the Digital Asset Links API to establish trust that your app has been approved by the website to automatically open links for that domain. If the system successfully verifies that you own the URLs, the system automatically routes those URL intents to your app.
To verify that you own both your app and the website URLs, complete the following steps:
Add intent filters that contain the autoVerify attribute. This attribute signals to the system that it should verify whether your app belongs to the URL domains used in your intent filters.
@rod Maybe we should move this discussion to GitHub to stop flooding the comments 😅


I see, sorry, no Github account, left it a while ago, Gitlab all the way now. Last time I needed an account again in Github, they flagged my account because I use a respectable paid alias forwarding service. I wrote them and told them their algo was non sense to unlock the account, they didn't care. Sorry, pass.
The workaround enabling the link embedded already in your app is not complex, but users need to be informed. The solution, IMO, is to let users to login with their LN wallets and more importantly with NOSTR, once you manage to add that part the adoption should follow...