I would be ok with a Saturday submission deadline as well but since I have to manage it all I don't want submissions rolling in 15 mins before games on Sunday start and I need to figure out if they were on time or not. If we were to set a Saturday deadline. I could log in Sunday morning and every submission that is there is good to go.
I think if there were a game cancelled for any reason. I would be ok allowing that person to carry forward to the next week and they need to pick 2 games that week provided carrying them forward doesn't win them the whole thing. If carrying them forward makes them the last person standing then they have to pick the next week to win or we have some sort of tiebreaker. I am going to post about a tiebreaker tomorrow to get everyone's ideas. It's possible the last 2 or 3 go out on the same week and how do we manage that. Split pot or have a tiebreaker the following week(s) until one is standing.
We do a last man standing football ⚽ our tiebreaker is if there was no clear winner ie last two or whatever went out same week. Everyone auto back in and we start over. But that's 38 game weeks as opposed to 18. It's not out of the realms of possibility that we all go out week 1 🤣. I don't know if you want to do a buy back in or just a everyone back in and restart without rebuying in.
I feel a Saturday submission is reasonable considering it's being managed manually. It's meant to be enjoyable not work ya know.