What restrains Bitcoin from attaining mass adoption in your opinion ?
Only the reticence of people to learn more about Bitcoin. Most of normies are just NPCs waiting for their lovely gov to say "from now on you will use BTC". That will not happen.
This makes me wonder about the difficulties compagnies face when using Bitcoin.
No, you are wrong. Companies do not have difficulties to use Bitcoin, but their lack of knowledge is disturbing. Here is list of companies that do not have ANY difficulties in using Bitcoin
but it's concerning that only a handful of companies accept it worldwide after all those years.
Bitcoin is just a baby, and not talking about LN that have only 4 years... Have patience and learn as much as you can. Compànies do not adopt it because you are not demanding it and / or help them accepting it. Learn and teach them. Don't cry.
Dont worry, there no complains there. Thanks for the links ;)