By the way, this is to the OP and any other devs out there -- I have an amazing idea for a website that would be a fantastic platform to integrate lightning into, and no one has built anything like it yet. It wouldn't be too difficult to pull off -- the basic gist of it is that it would essentially be a site with a video player and a running jukebox style playlist, where people would be able to add a URL like a youtube URL or a URL from a few other whitelisted type sites, into a form (after adding/connecting to their lightning wallet), and then depending on how long the video was and a few other factors, it would generate a LN invoice for them to pay in order to have the video added to the queue.
People could also pay to skip the queue and get their video played next for an additional fee, and there would also be a chat alongside the video player similar to a livestream on youtube or twitch, etc. This would basically be a lightning network version of an existing platform which was built on a layer 1 memecoin chain (which is an actual joke and is mostly dedicated towards literally helping people learn development, and charity, etc.) called banano, because it's the lowest fee thing that people could utilize for such a project...but lightning would work excellently for this use case. The site is called in case anyone who is reading this is interested in checking it out, basically functions as I described...I have some ideas for additional features though that I would love to build and create a lightning version of this kind of app/site, if anyone is interested in doing so.
In the event that something along these lines sounds like it might be of interest to others, or if you'd want to chat and brainstorm on some cool LN we can build together, let me know, drop me a message on my profile page here and I'll get back to you ASAP. I am a pretty competent designer and would like to work on a team with others interested in making something cool for LN