Rammstein -
(I guess not a cover, but a great song nevertheless :))
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You're right. Not a cover but I'm not opposed to stepping outside the bounds of the intended theme and recommending excellent music. And Rammsteins stage show... What a spectacle, truly epic.
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"i got to say its fun revisiting some of these music videos I pickup on a lot of detail unlike when I was a young pleb, lol :)"
This is why I do this. Going through everyone's suggestions is always either a trip down memory lane or completely new and I love it. I'm definitely going to try to keep doing a weekly Monday music thing.
Same it's mad how much we missed when we were young. Like RATM - Bulls on Parade. I had no idea that was about military spending in the US. But I was a ... Not American teen ... In .... Not America... Clearly I did not listen hard enough to what de la Rocha was actually saying.
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I think that may have been a "know your audience moment" COVID was a divisive topic. I think it was almost smart PR by the band to not get involved and potentially piss off half of their fan base.
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Was that the least controversial part?? 🤣 In some places (cough UK) they still haven't repealed the laws that allow curfews to be enforced. Nor the ability to enforce a lockdown for whatever reason they wish. Somehow that's flown under the radar. It's technically legal to arrest someone for being out beyond a curfew that no longer exists. I think they'd have a really hard time enforcing and or prosecuting for it now. But the fact it's still there raises eyebrows for sure.
But yes the musicians who tend to represent the voice of the public (at least far better than politicians) seemed to prefer to stay suspiciously quiet. Like you mentioned... Some might call that selling out.
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