I've wondered about Trezor lately. So what's consensus here, Trezor bad?
It is up to you to decide,
For me they are definitely a bad influence for the Bitcoin ecosystem and what it represents,
  1. They support alt-coins, most of them (99% IMO) scams
  2. They are in business with Wasabi Wallet, a known bad actor working with chain analysis companies
  3. The Trezor is Open Source, but the Chip they use is not Chip SE, which means, it is not secure enough to keep your funds, they use ARM Cortex-M3 and M4 processors with custom software
Those two reasons above should already give you pause for your think about it.
Now, if you are here, I assume you are a Bitcoiner, thus, Passport from Foundation and Coldcard from Coinkite are the ones I could recommend. Here an article I wrote about it: #226453 , I hope it helps.
Last but not least, if you are gambling with alt-coins or trading with alt-coins for a living, while doing the research looking for a decent seed signer for Bitcoin, found "Keystone" https://keyst.one/, they are, IMO, the most advanced of the alt-coins seed signers, Chip SE, Air Gap, etc, they check all the boxes but one, they support all the scams of the ecosystem...
Hope this helps