We are living on a global plantation. As slaves while at the top chain there are the fiat masters. Living in absolute blizz. The central bankers and their close friends close to the fiat printer.
They can print any fiat they want and grab any asset we try to aquire. Any but one.
Whether you are in a classy highrise building working on a trading floor, doing any great stuff with your law degree you are just a slave in the fiat threadmill.
You can’t leave the global fiat plantation. Why?
In most Western societies you have to work 8% harder each year to be able to buy the same amount of goods and services. In the developing world it could be 50-100% harder.
Due to the monetary inflation. In some countries with hyper inflation it doesn’t make sense to work at all as the value of the fiat money you earn by working gets devaluated so fast.
Isn’t it crazy you have to work 8-100% harder each year, year after year to be able to buy the same?
Freedom is the true wealth. Being able to spend your precious 16 hours awake on whatever you want.
For that in the current world you need to have any asset that brings you in enough fiat money so you can pay for your food, your rent, your mortgage and the lifestyle you care about.
That asset might be bitcoin. As it hopefully keeps appreciating more than 8% a year on average.
So I say stack enough sats. As others work their butts off in the fiat treadmill.
Find a way to convert part of that appreciation back into fiat to be able to pay for your 16 hours of freedom each year.