Those are valid points, but the article kinda contradicts itself.
For all the reasons listed above, we don’t recommend multi-signature setups to single, fully sovereign individuals. However, there’s obviously a place for multi-signature in group settings such as organizations or families, and for collaborative settings
Nobody owns BTC as an individual, you're always part of some group: wife, kids, parents, brothers & sisters. And in case you die multisig offers a great plan for inheritance. I don't want to die and leave my corn to you guys by extracting them from circulation :) My previous setup was just a physical backup of the seed of single sig, but that's far from optimal for a non-btc person to recover. My worry started when one of my relatives told me 'yeah I think I have those words somewhere' 😨 Same thing could happen now and I don't care that much, me and my BTC connoisseur buddy have 2 sigs. My relatives know that he's the guy to contact in case I disappear.