Debian pioneered so many things -- things that many people still haven't learned from. One of those is proper repository management. Comparing Debian's repository to NPM's repository is like night and day. NPM has tons of malware and typosquatters, whereas the worst you can say about Debian's repo is that it's packages are usually out-of-date. The policies that make this difference are not complicated, just obscure.
Amen to that. I started with Slackware, rumbled thru RedHat (until it got commercialized) but it is true that Debian is the shiznit (pardon my French). Now, I won't touch anything else for serious work. I call it FreeBSD of Linux :-) Happy B-Day Debian !!!
I started with Slackware, then moved to Gentoo. Which I still use for my home PCs mostly. I would say Gentoo is more FreeBSD'ish than Debian. :) But I run Debian based stuff for RaspiBolt at home and some VPSes.