How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff (just finished it) and now L'urgence climatique est un leurre by François Gervais (sorry it is in French). I just bought a book also on Yahoo auctions 「続 コロナは概念」. The first one is a way to get a better grasp at how statistics are used to lie and put forward biaised narratives. The second one is about the climate narrative. For example it explains things such as in 100 years the CO2 in the air increased very modestly from 0.03 to 0.04%, how important CO2 is for life on earth, etc. And the last one I just bought it and didn't receive it so I don't know but it is the continuation of a Japanese comics called "The corona virus is a concept" (that I have read), which was very funny, about all the corona virus nonsense.