Does a 12 word seed not worry you at all with the issues that came out the other day around seed words been guessed/cracked? Can’t remember the name but it was in Antonopoulos’s Mastering Bitcoin.
No. A seed with sufficient entropy of 128- to 256-bits can't be guessed unless an attacker guesses 1 trillion times a second and they have longer than the age of the galaxy on their hands. And this assumes they know the derivation path and passphrase to begin with. With a passphrase, it wouldn't matter if they guessed your seed right, it would show an empty address, they'd never know one address from another. Trust the math. Trust the computer science. The complexity of self-custody with many of the latest schemes: Shamir Secrets, XOR, substitution cyphers, multisig, etc, is really unnecessary complexity. You fall off the other side and become your own worst enemy, more so than a potential attacker.
So why the need at all for 24 word seeds and multi-sig for sole custody?
I trust the math and use a single-sig setup myself but I still got a bit worried reading that last week and started looking into Nunchuk.
If you are using bad seed generation, then having multiple keys might still fail. Not to dismiss your case at all, but a factor to bear in mind.