Would like to hear your thoughts on this. Are there any problems with this arrangement?
Seems comfy. Some additional thoughts:
I like to put anti-tamper seals / tags on my backups so I know if one has been accessed. That gives me time to rotate the other keys if one of them has been compromised.
Did you test wallet recovery in alternative software? I know Electrum isn't going anywhere, but still. I only felt comfortable when I knew my wallet could be recovered in Nunchuk, Sparrow and Spectre!
My experience showed you need to do this simultaneously with all signers in order to share the zbpubs while building the wallet.
Simultaneously? I never used Electrum for multi-sig, but I know that other wallets like Nunchuk allow you to add keys independently and then construct a multi-sig wallet after that. This way the keys never have to all be in the same location.
Good observation, I will test with Sparrow for recovery. I said simultaneously because you need all zpubs to complete the process and if you don't have them, and you stop and close the wallet, you have to start over again. Create wallet --> Multisig --> I have seed etc.