I’m a fan of the PWA. Gives me a pretty good, mostly native feeling experience, and it’s one code base.
With what mobile browser,? I am using Brave and it is quite good for it, haven't tried a Firefox base one yet.
@k00b mentioned a FOSS non official one: https://github.com/felipebueno/stacker_news/releases I install it, but can't make heads of tails of it, once installed (two different mobiles) it won't show in the app drawer...
Hey @rod
My bad. I forgot to release the new version with some bug fixes. I'll do this soon and let you know when it's available
I just got the notification in Obtainium and upgraded, same thing, 1.2.3?
But no dice, it won't show in the app drawer
Hey, @rod!
But no dice, it won't show in the app drawer
I'll fix this today!
Hi, @rod! I published a new release on Github (and soon on Google Play) with the fix for the invisible app problem.
Thanks Felipe, works!
Can you try the login feature for me, please? I changed some things on the AndroidManifest file and I didn't have the time to throughly test the app before publishing
Hey Felipe, the app rocks, love it!
How can I log in with my profile?
The majority would have used their NOSTR keys with nos2x Others would have used their LN wallet Others email etc
IMO, the safe bet is to start with NOSTR to sign in, what are your thought?
Thanks, man!
The only method of login available for now is the Magic Link, unfortunately
I'll implement the other methods some day 😅
I just published a new version on Github. Can you try it on your devices, please?
Safari on iOS. Sorry, can’t speak to any experience on android.