Imagine walking with a AR glass and seeing some sats on the street and picking them up with your lightning wallet.
Imagine entering a VR experience by just going to a website and putting your VR headset up. And playing a game and when you out away your headset you have the sats in your lightning wallet.
Imagine entering a nostr VR website with your get alby or nostr pubkey and experiencing virtual 3d notes.
Enter WebXR.
I put my Oculus 2 once up and used the browser to visit this website.
It had serveral experiences where it showed me how to use the controllers, how to grab things etc.
For this you need a VR headset to experience what I experienced. It won’t work well on your phone.
I believe there is a future where you log in with nostr, a getably wallet or plugin or your lightning wallet. Or all three.
You will be able to transact, pay, receive money and gamyfy any experience.
What do you think?
Who is working on this?
Is there any way to integrate webXr with lightning? These are all api calls so it must be possible.
Are there any webxr websites that i can visit with my nostr, getalby or lightning wallet and experience anything?
Last thing: when you put your headset on “everything” is possible. If you can buy “everything” with sats that would be cool!!!
You can buy a 3 d bag, a car, anything digital. I say lets bring in the sats!!!
: o )