I don't think it's a case of you need permission, but it helps to read the room. If I was to walk in to a room full of ISIS fanatics and start talking about Jesus I might expect a hostile response.
That said, there's one project I like on another chain and it pisses me off that it's not been done on bitcoin layer 2's yet (DNS, ala unstoppable domains), but if it's meant to be it'll be.
If I was to walk in to a room full of ISIS fanatics and start talking about Jesus I might expect a hostile response.
This kind of illustrates why I was a bit surprised. The conversation wasn't that diametrically opposed...it was private keys and reputation. I'll leave religion out of it and use another example...
Suppose I walked into a rugby meeting room and they're talking rugby injuries. I point out that the skills and activities in American football are similar and steps X, Y, and Z were taken to decrease injuries there. Then, I hear, "Rugby only here."
Oh, okay.