Here me out
The amount of sats you have gives you a twitter like check, with let’s say 3 levels of different colours (100, 10k, 1M) (green, yellow, orange?), you could show proof of ownership via a lightning wallet verification/login or even a built in wallet to your account?
I think it would serve in three ways:
Making accounts with low sats seem like bots, you could de-boost them from a feed.
Making accounts with high sats appear more legitimate boosting interactions.
Allowing bitcoiners to show their relative satoshi stash as a badge of honour (this would not compromise a bitcoiners entire stash only show they have some skin in the game)
So suppress smaller accounts and elevate large ones?
Cant tell if this is based or just a bad idea
Well bots would have 0 sats or a low amount, and this wouldn’t be a payment but a proof of ownership of some sats, and you can gain more traction by having a large amount of sats, I.e a person that owns 1M sats is more likely to be real and gain more involvement
bots would have 0 sats or a low amount
that's a bad assumption. what stops bot creators from giving the bots sats? especially if doing so helps them get more sats.
I see you hat your saying but I think It would apply more of a cost to running a bot farm. You could even take this further perhaps and think of ways that a bot account can be identified and blocked and when this happens you could take the stake as a punishment? Applying penalties for running bots - guess this would be the hard part
Yes, it seems very hard to me to try to eliminate bots. To this day real human email goes to spam and bot messages go to the inbox. If giant, multi-billion$$ corporations can't figure out bots how will open source projects?