Vikings number 1!! Don't care, come at me, I'm swimming in purple koolaid, SKOL.
But actually. Chiefs (duh) 49ers (assuming they stay healthy. Or can work out how to Frankenstein up a QB when they're all injured.) Bills (Diggs is WR2 in the league behind Jefferson and I'll always have a special place in my heart for Diggs. Also josh Allen is kinda good at football.) Vikings!! Yeah baby woooooo! Look real talk. Our offense is dangerous. Last year it was top 10, we went 13-4 with the 32nd ranked defence. If our D this year is even middle of the pack. Then this team can be in the top 5 easily. Reluctantly eagles. (I refuse to acknowledge their BS rugby push. But Brown and Smith as a WR duo... Damn that's spicy.) It would have been Bengals because Joey Cool > Jalen Hurts. Chase+Higgins > Brown+Smith. But that Bengals OLine needs to step itself up. Yaknow what... Screw it. BENGALS OVER EAGLES I've changed my mind, it's my power rankings, if you don't like em, go make your own 😜.
AFC championship game will be Chiefs v Bills.
NFC championship game will be Vikings v 49ers.
Superbowl. Vikings V Bills come on let's get nuts.
Love the passion but the Vikings ain't making the superbowl.
Ofcourse not. We're going one and done in the playoffs like every year. But we will finish higher than the lions 😜 ain't that right @tnuts420 😜