I am focusing the poll on wallets oriented to the privacy and security of the user, only Bitcoin Wallets, avoiding wallet that support for alt-coins.
Bitcoin L2 features included on top of on-chain self custody are welcome too!
Please add your choice with the option other if not listed and give the community a few words as of why you prefer that one!
Remember, influencers and the well known web site bitcoin - org does not list two of the best wallets (IMO), and list or promote (in the case of the influencers) wallets that are pedaling alt-coins and some have clear security issues, never trust, verify, specially if the influencers or the web sites have become well known...
52 votes \ poll ended
There's no such thing as "favourite" in bitcoin. Is meaningless. As I explained in this post how to choose your wallet: #70725
Using an onchain wallet only on your mobile is not the right way and you should avoid it. Onchain must be exclusively for opening/closing LN channels not for daily use case. Onchain = your vault, your central bank LN = your daily spending pockets, your commercial bank
Lightning: Phoenix ON Chain: Samourai
I'm looking at phoenix as an upgrade over WoS . Is it easy to move sats from LN to your Onchain as WoS doesn't do that. What's your experience of doing this?
On the Phoenix app you will ONLY see a LIGHTNING NETWORK banlance.
Also, you can do a SWAP IN ( move SATS from On Chain to Lightning): the fee is 1% of the amount with a 3000 SATS minimum fee. SWAP OUT (from LN to ON Chain), the fee is variable, depending on the btc mempool...
The wallet is very easy to use.
Good choice and the experience is excellent. If you are not running yet your own node consider it, install Electrum and link Phoenix to it. The newest version of Phoenix uses the novelty of slicing, only one channel, less head aches, less costs, lower fees, those guys in Phoenix team are rock starts
How does running a node work off a mobile? I'm aittle.out of my depth when it comes to tech.
Forgot to mention, this is advised for increased privacy, thus, your on chain transactions will be validated by your own NODE and behind TOR, but it is not needed, by default you can use Phoenix application NODE
Th application has, in the settings the possibility to configure the node, you install the node in a PC and once configured and fully loaded, you can point the mobile app to your node. You need to learn about it, the easiest way is with Umbrel OS, https://umbrel.com/, but if you are going down that rabbit hole, I will rather recommend you https://start9.com/, way more stable and a bit more expensive, but the maintenance will be minimum and will be quite stable.
If you decide to go with Umbrel because the low cost, I will suggest you do not install any application but the Bitcoin Node, Electrum Server and if you use Samourai, the Samourai DOJO server, nothing more, this will improve the stability of the OS...
This is the way
The links for the wallets in the poll: Samourai BlueWallet Nunchuk Electrum
Onchain: Nunchuk Lightning: Phoenix
For (onchain) Bitcoin I prefer Blue Wallet but Zeus for Lightning.
On chain: Samourai Lightning: Zeus
Nice! very secure!
Blockstream, Electrum and Zeurs Nice! Mutiny.... Please research the cons of having a web wallet, there are many, I understand you are using it for small txs, but there are many security concerns!
Thanks for sharing!
WoS for ⚡ am curious about mutiny if they release an android app version.
BTC wallet (for my sins) is not a BTC only wallet (it's exodus).
I don't know much about any of the wallets you listed to vote on. Are they all hot wallets? Or are some a "cold wallet" by being a hot wallet on a USB stick?
Thank you 👍 wasnt able to find one on your website. Or the playstore.
Good point. There's still a few things we gotta do with the android version to be fully there but it's available for beta testing.
I use wallet of satoshi for now.
What about on-chain transactions?
And for on-chain transactions?
Lightning: Blixt ON Chain: Sparrow
No second best
Nice!, but Sparrow, as awesome as it is, is only Desktop, the poll is for mobile, What about your favorite mobile Bitcoin on-chain wallet
Blixt allows on-chain transactions, but this is not the focus of the application and the ux is not optimized for it. I have to say that I've never needed more, I don't often do on-chain transactions with the mobile constraint.
valid point, thanks for sharing