It feels so good. After so many cul de sac conversations, she finally gave in and bought herself some bitcoin.
My biggest finding:
- many people have a problem understanding the idea of the bitcoin blockchain - some virutal world, which does who knows what, etc.. I knew this was a problem, but did not know how to solve it, until now. I showed her a visual view into a mempool and explained to her about the pending and confirmed transactions, blocks, miners etc. I think, since she saw a visual representation of the blockchain, that lit up a light bulb. She could suddenly associate something real with something that was just talked about and virtual. I think this was the final thing she needed to wrap her mind around it. Seeing the transactions, blocks, chain live was priceless.
Of course, she needs more education, but the biggest step is done. The rest is just a walk in the park.
Hope this helps someone to orange pill another lost soul.