I would say if you have many streams of income, passive streams it is better than having jobs. With jobs if you don’t put the hours in you won’t get paid.
But if you build an app, a protocol, a website or a business and it generates income when you are not there, that is a way to still have time.
If you got many jobs you split yourself over many unrelated areas and you never focus.
It is very difficult to move forward if you do many unrelated things.
I’m trying to stop new initiatives and focus my energy on a few related topics. I’m trying to simplify my life. And with everything (new) I do I ask myself: how does this help ke get the other important things I’m doing done. If there is no link and it is a totally new thing, or totally new job, unrelated I try to stop it.
It is very hard to say No to new projects, new jobs and new people who all want a piece of your attention. Focussing your attention is key. Saying No to new jobs, things can help you.