I've noticed this too, but I tend to find it depressing rather than inspiring. I'm sure some versions are inspiring, where they're rising to meet demand of some kind that they're uniquely suited to supply or technology/markets have made them so efficient they have spare time. I tend to mostly see the version where there's a lack of direction, where they've over-consumed other people's creations/identities as vividly captured on social media and they aspire to be them all simultaneously. I suspect there's also a tendency to diversify because they feel the future is uncertain.
I personally wish the trend were heading the opposite direction. We'd make more progress that way.
Exactly what I was thinking. More jobs is not a good thing :). My thought also went to the families of those people. Either they are young and have not started one yet, or they have very understanding partners who pick up the slack or they neglect it. Sad