Yes, they should probably just use google. Unless they know you personally and trust their "uncle jim/pilot".
My issue is with your messaging comparing your cloud to self-hosting as if you get all the benefits with less effort. You are just a different cloud provider, own it and don't pretend otherwise.
I presume you have lots of tooling to make hosting these services easier for you, why not open source your tooling to make self hosting easier for others?
I understand you're a profit driven company, and opensourcing your backend wouldn't be profitable, which again supports my claim that you're just another cloud.
Maybe you're a bridge to sovereignty. Once users migrate their proprietary cloud data to these OSS solutions, it becomes easier to export that data to a self-hosted solution or a competing cloud down the road.
"they should probably just use google." thanks for the clarity.
Google is very Lindy and has worked well enough for a billion people and it doesn't charge them $40/mo. The onus is on any competitor to make the case, "why not google?". And its incredulous to claim, our cloud is better because we run Open Source.