My uncle took me to a Mets game when I was a kid. I'm not sure what stadium that would have been (and I'm obviously too lazy to look it up), but I remember thinking it was pretty gross. The crowded trough style shared urinal was especially off-putting.
@siggy47 he is coming for Shea! haha
The trough urinals were the crux of my disdain for Ralph Wilson Stadium (now Highmark) in Buffalo. The troughs were too packed and dudes just started pissing in the sink.
I really hope they renovated those bathrooms.
Same thing at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, in times of need the sinks were just treated like regular old urinal troughs
That certainly fits my perceptions of Detroit.
Lol, everything you’ve heard is true
I was thinking about buying property in Detroit after the Great Recession when the whole city turned into Thunderdome.
That was a great time to do it, it was a total land-grab. It could still be, haven’t checked in a while, but there has been a lot of development the last 10 years or so
One of the reasons we didn't was that the city was still appraising and taxing homes at their precrash values.
I saw a Red Wings game at Joe Louis Arena once. It was after I had abandoned Leafs fandom and decided I needed a team to support. Anyway, my Red Wings support was short lived but I did have a great time going down to a game. My buddy and I sat right beside the red wings bench, which turned out to be not the greatest view with guys getting on and off the bench all the time. We stayed at Ceasars Windsor for the night after the game. I won 700 bucks playing roulette so I bought tickets for my buddy and I to go UFC in Toronto the next night.
Joe Louis was a dump but was a lot of fun.
Cheetah’s Windsor had a very nice all you can eat breakfast buffet if my memory is in tact
Not sure. Did not partake. I am not a big breakfast guy. My breakfast is typically a banana, yogurt and a cup of coffee. Occasionally we will do a nice brunch at home with the kiddos and my wife will make french toast or pancakes or eggs and bacon maybe a fruit salad. I will usually partake on those occasions but normally breakfast is pretty straight forward for me.
I do recall going to the restaurant in Coca Cola field once before a Sabres game. My memory is foggy but I think it had a view of the field from the dining area and that's why my buddy and I decided to come back during baseball season to catch a game. I have been to two Bisons games. One when they were still affiliated with Mets and one after they became affiliated with the Blue Jays.
For all I know, that was the nicest MLB stadium in the country at the time. My only point of reference is the Diamondbacks stadium many years later.
I loved that dump, but it was a dump.