Indeed. If I wanted to do business on Liquid it would likely be a result of trusting Blockstream as a business. The same me leaving sats on stacker news. I wouldn't do that if I didn't trust the crew. But also, for their effort, if they decide to rug pull they earned ever sat!
Nothing honest about a rug pull, and nothing ethical about failure of duty of care as a custodian.
Could be avoided, but you speak like someone who never has been robbed. I don't think that makes a good endorsement of this approach.
Who called a rug pull honest?
Also, my approach? Unless you live off grid and produce all your own goods you follow the same approach!
But also, for their effort, if they decide to rug pull they earned ever sat!
Explain how this is not praising an act of mischief.
Why does living in a society equate to submitting to tyrants?
I actually aim to praise the efforts of the Stacker News developers, which I consider much more valuable than the sats I have custodied here. I do not want them to steal anyone's sats. You mistake a sarcastic comment with some generalization about my ethics
I wouldn't do that if I didn't trust the crew.
I only trust a 3rd party up to a certain amount of sats, after that, it goes to cold storage.
Similar to how I go around the street with a small amount of cash, that can be lost or stolen, etc.
Yes, but you wouldn't go out with any amount of money if you expect to get robbed