distraction: spending energy on any and every opportunity available to "criticize" rather than solve
if earning sats on SN is a waste, what are you doing here?
So your critique of my critique is, I should go fix it myself or stop using it. Super.
Nah, the critique here seems to be that you're calling a distraction am activity you actively participate in. In asking, "what are you doing here?" The commenter doesn't conclude, but rather creates space for you to explain why you like to distract yourself from important things.
It wouldn't be a good distraction if it wasn't effective.
nah just ask yourself if using my every post to "critique" this platform you're logging onto every day is the best use of your energy
i can appreciate hot takes but you don't offer anything constructive, it's just negativity
I spend a few seconds posting hot takes and it drains minutes or maybe hours of other's collective time reading and responding to them.
If that isn't peak distraction technology, IDK what is.
At this time, I just want to protest, thanks.
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