This sounds like a post better suited to pre-2023 complaints. Lightning is turning a corner, and I'm uncertain custodial lightning will last past 2025 if you pay attention to the design pattern and innovation there. I think innovation is moving slower than you have patience, so you've wondered off trying trying to find the next bitcoin and lightning. You're not paying any of your bills in LTC sir, anymore than 99% of us are paying our bills in bitcoin, but I do know it's much easier to pay at large in bitcoin, because it has orders of magnitude more integrations, and is accepted far more places. Lightning has been integrated into CashApp, multiple exchanges, ProtonMail soon, and another I'm not at liberty to say. Your complaints have a single subtext: bag pumping. We're after a bit more than that here on SN, with little concern about the time frame. There is no hurry, the sky isn't falling, and hyperinflation will take longer than YouTube has told you it will.