As someone who's first read Orwell's 1984 well before 1984, I've all but given up on my generation ever "doing their part", sadly. And to some extend, I understand why: it's been working reasonably well for them for the most part - so far.
While I like most of your 9 suggestions, I think you omitted number 0: Instil critical thinking skills from pre-school age. However, I guess you sort of implied that by leading with "Critical Thinkers Needed".
So, a critical shortage of critical thinking 30+ years ago, is what I believe allowed the current situation to develop. And it is disappointing.
As the saying goes: the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago ( We should have started teaching critical thinking at an early age a long. long time ago.
But, the saying goes on to say: the 2nd best time is today!
By referencing "the previous and current adult generation", I'm guessing you're a bit younger than that? If so, then it gives me hope! The fact that you seem to already be applying critical thinking could imply that some trees are at least being planted today.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Personally, I'm not convinced that 3 and 4 are viable any more, but when asked what the alternatives are, I also can't really come up with viable alternatives yet. But seeing what's been developing since 2009 (bitcoin, nostr, fedimint, etc.) it seems promising that an alternative will emerge from all of this. Just my 2 sats.
Amen to that.
It's starts very early in raising the next generation: learn them how to learn.
Very insightful!