Not sure the theft of a BTC ATM is necessarily an attack against crypto or just a relatively unguarded cash machine. Not trying to be pedantic but just thinking around motive etc.
In May 2022 London, UK there were reports of a series of crypto and BTC thefts via physical threat. Victims were forced to transfer crypto assets held in hot wallets or from mobile accessible crypto platforms. The police reports are anonymised but the details make interesting reading.
Many news 🗞️ like this didn't get to the news or so, but I would say, careful where you boast of owning crypto and always make sure you have some couple of Cryptos ($50 - $200) in your mobile wallet Incase you got attacked and always stash your main investment away from your day2day devices.
These are my opinion.
They are the equivalent of what they call ‘mugging’ regardless of whether it was cash, credit card or crypto.
Great advice - keep a lightning wallet with loose change in and hide the rest.
Not to make a joke of such an unpleasant experience but people are losing shitcoins as well as BTC so they may be done a favour.