Phoenix Charges 3,000 sats +1% each and every time you want to receive sats to your wallet because "it creates a new channel for you". And if you don't spend your sats, each time you receive more sats, it creates a new channel to store your new sats, and that's already $1 fee every single time. I thought lightning network was only supposed to take less than a penny? How comes it's taking over $1 and change from me.
That's just not true.
Phoenix does charge you 3k sats for each channel they open for you, but that's not needed every time. Once you opened a channel you can use it and get charged normal routing fees, which are only a few sats.
If you want to increase your capacity, then another channel will have to be created, that's another 3k sats, but you keep that capacity and can use it in the future for a few sats.
These kinds of posts only make OP look bad.